Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Adventures in Art School

"The Dancing Monkey"

episode one

Check Spelling
Monday in my Digital Media class my professor was apologizing for the boring subject matter that was on the agenda for the day. He continued onto wish that he could just have a "dancing monkey" come in everyday and entertain us but sooner or later we were going to have to actually cover some material. At this point in his ramble the girl behind me (*mj- sky) jokingly offered to bring her "dancing monkey" to the following class.

The professor's eyes lit up as he exclaimed, "I have one"!

He ran from the room to return a few moments later with....


elliebird said...

that's...not just a little bit weird.

Chelsea said...

So this is why you're going to college?

Katie Larissa said...

The monkey looks like something from a really sorry horror film.

can I please come to your college?

More specifically, that college class?

Because it sounds interesting.

Thumper said...

the eyes and teeth scare me a little bit

rachel tsunami said...

I'm behind on reading blogs, but catching up. I love the people who live and write this blog.

Enjoyed seeing the pics of your apartment. wow. you really live there.

this monkey is strangely reminiscent of my childhood.