Thursday, November 19, 2009

This Evening

I took a walk and saw an angel in the clouds. Glory.

The Scientist played the moment i walked back into my room. Thanks, Coldplay.

I'm thankful for the little blessings.

Thanksgiving is one week away. Let the countdown begin!

What are you thankful for?


Katie Larissa said...

The eternal faithfulness of my God, the unconditional, undeserved love of my family towards me, Dr. Pepper, a cozy fire in the fire place, hot tea by the pot fulls... should I go on?

Thumper said...

Having a sister who majored in english to proof read all my papers. the color blue. fedoras. six little peoples who call me "aunt". chocolate. poodles named Todd. "Needtobreathe" ...which includes Seth Bolt....we could keep going for days :)

Chelsea said...

That God has blessed me with an amazing family, and the best friends in the world that i don't deserve at all, you, soap, food, little moments, family gatherings, bonzai poofuses? :)

maggie said...
