We have a love for entertaining, we have a love for friends. We have a love for our church, we have a love for music. We have a love for art, we have a love for food. We have a love for traveling, we have a love for laughter. But more than anything...We love to be together.
Those are GORGEOUS!!
The way he catches the lighting, and the fabrics.. those white dresses are gorgeous!
Can we go on a picnic?
i swear i am going to post soon....
ooh dude baby i painted the fireplace today....i wish you could see it and tell me if it is too purple.
i liked it being off-white
Dig that red bumbershoot.
The last one makes me think of Caitlin.
(Mags, a purple fireplace? Imagine how amazing that's gonna look with orangey flames in it! You da bomb.)
Ole Charles paints a lot of Whitley Clad Females, doesn't he? But yes, they do indeed "catch spring in the act" so to speak.
Can't wait for spring!!!
WV - eallaic
I have a copy of the 7th one down on a beautiful card I bought but never sent...because I couldn't part with the picture.
Didn't know about the artist. Thanks for finding these.
Oooooooh. Springy spring time :D
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