I woke up today at 7:29, on my own, WITHOUT an annoying alarm clock going off at 6:00.
...So it's actually set on Al Green...and that's kind of fun...but still. ;) (thankful for Saturdays.)
anyway, the main point:
I am thankful for those first moments in the morning, when you wake up on your own.
The sun is streaming through the windows, you're listening to the gentle whir of the fan, lying there all cozy and warm in your bed, but the tip of your nose is chilly.
I have found that it's in this peaceful time, (if undisturbed) that some of my best thinking is done. Best prayer time, and best solution finding time. It's incredible.

good morning, and happy thanksgiving week!
I feel the same way...I love early mornings in bed thinking.
i love that feeling in the mornings :)
And waking up on your own, you feel like you've gotten just the right amount of sleep!
Hey, that's our bird!
i remember being so amazed that he was just chillin' in his bird house, i had to take a picture.
but y'all must be used to it because claire was unimpressed.
that makes me miss y'all...and your house... and the bird.
Early mornings rock! :D
That is, unless someone violently wakes you up from a peaceful dream. Then that just sucks :) Al Green. Hearing him during my wakeup might ruin it though :)
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